Animal husbandry — Animal husbandry, also called animal science, stockbreeding or simple husbandry, is the agricultural practice of breeding and raising livestock. It has been practiced for thousands of years, since the first domestication of animals.The science of … Wikipedia
animal husbandry — n [U] farming that involves keeping animals and producing milk, meat etc … Dictionary of contemporary English
animal husbandry — n. the care and raising of domesticated animals, as cattle, horses, sheep, etc … English World dictionary
animal husbandry — noun breeding and caring for farm animals • Members of this Topic: ↑calk, ↑stand, ↑breed, ↑cover, ↑yoke, ↑inspan, ↑unyoke, ↑outspan, ↑harness, ↑tack … Useful english dictionary
animal husbandry — gyvulininkystė statusas Aprobuotas sritis gyvulininkystė apibrėžtis Žemės ūkio šaka, apimanti ūkinių gyvūnų (išskyrus gyvūnus augintinius) auginimą ir (ar) naudojimą gyvulininkystės produkcijai gauti. nuoroda… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Animal husbandry (Himachal) — Animal husbandry plays a very major role in the development of agricultural sector of Himachal. Indigenous breeds of cows, buffaloes and sheeps are of very poor quality. Numerous schemes for cattle development , cattle health and disease… … Wikipedia
animal husbandry — animal husbandman. the science of breeding, feeding, and tending domestic animals, esp. farm animals. [1915 20] * * * Controlled cultivation, management, and production of domestic animals, including improvement of the qualities considered… … Universalium
Animal husbandry in India — A large number of farmers in India depend on animal husbandry for their livelihood. In addition to supplying milk, meat, eggs, and hides, animals, mainly bullocks, are the major source of power for both farmers and drayers. Thus, animal husbandry … Wikipedia
animal husbandry — noun Date: 1898 a branch of agriculture concerned with the production and care of domestic animals … New Collegiate Dictionary
ANIMAL HUSBANDRY — See AGRICULTURE … Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia
animal husbandry — branch of agriculture that deals with the production and care of domestic animals; practice of breeding and raising farm animals … English contemporary dictionary